The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023!

Everyone has packed away their Christmas decorations and started their diets. The holidays are over and 2023 is in full force!

The décor trends for this year are all about pattern, texture, and multifunctional spaces – everything we love!

Read on to see which 9 interior design trends will be huge in 2023:

1.  Nature

This trend has been with us for a few years already, and it’s not going anywhere! In fact, bringing the outdoors in will feature stronger in 2023 than ever before.

This means going green, literally, and figuratively. We’ll see the colour green in all its glorious shades, and we’ll see designers and homeowners focusing on sustainability with eco-friendly products. They’ll continue incorporating plants into their interior designs, and there will once again be major emphasis on outdoor living. People will invest more in quality outdoor furniture, putting as much money and effort into their outdoor spaces as they do with their indoor rooms.

2.  Tradition

Old world-charm will rule 2023 as traditional furniture and styles make a major comeback!

We’ll see beautiful wingback chairs, weathered leather couches and upscaled antique furniture, like this one that is upholstered in Ardmore. Antique furniture and pieces with fringes and skirts will make an appearance in modern living rooms. This trend is in keeping with the sustainability movement: The throw-away culture of the past will be replaced with reusing, retaining and upcycling. Traditional furniture is made to last several lifetimes. These pieces also a certain warmth and rich history, which we’ll see more and more of this coming year.

The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - upscaling antique furniture

3.  Retro

Be afraid, be very afraid… The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are back!

Yes, we’re talking yellows and browns, my friend. But 2023 will put a fresh spin on things:  Earthy terracotta, rich mustard, desert browns. The 80’s will give us some popping neons, and the 60’s will add crazy, psychedelic patterns. We’ll see retro-inspired colours, patterns, textures, and shapes – from walls and wallpaper to rugs and mid-century furniture. Bring it on, we’re ready to disco!


4.  Curves

As a result of the retro trend, shapes will take on softer forms. There will be a move away from sharp lines and angular shapes toward soft, sexy curves. We’ll see it in couches, chairs, dining tables and servers. There will be a shift to organic, spontaneous, sculptural shapes.

 The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - curvy shapes


This year we’ll see loads and loads of texture! And we’re not only talking textiles. Heavily textured surfaces will cover everything from walls and furniture to floors and décor. We’ll even see tiling in unexpected places like countertops and passages.

The textures will be inspired by ancient times: Sandstone, marble, Venetian plaster and limewash, terracotta, stone, clay, and limestone. These textures will bring depth, durability, history, and warmth. And we’re here for it! Take me to Rome, baby!

The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - texture

Desert colours

We’ve already touched on colour with the retro trend, but here it is again: Browns, browns, and more browns. Did I mention brown?

Desert tones will dominate 2023’s colour palette: Rich browns, warm beiges, cool blues, and calming greens. These colours will create soothing, serene spaces where we’ll turn to for solace in turbulent times.

 The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - green and brown interiors

Wild pattern

While colours will be soothing, patterns will be wild. Once again, we can thank the retro trend. Think Austin Powers and That 70’s Show.

This year will be all about mixing bold patterns. Think herringbone floors with patterned wallpaper and scatter cushions, floral window treatments with geometric upholstery. And remember that DIYgirls is the absolute QUEEN of mixing pattern while achieving a cohesive, sophisticated look. Just sayin’! 

The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - pattern 

Multipurpose spaces

We have Covid to thank for this one! WFH (*Work From Home) will probably be with us forever. This means kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, living rooms and guestrooms doubling up as home offices.

It might have started as a temporary solution, but now it’s here to stay. Designers and homeowners are actively designing spaces to be multifunctional: Home office by day, homework room by night, playroom over the weekend. Worldwide economic uncertainty is also forcing many people to downscale. And smaller homes inspire creative thinking!

 The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 - home office

Indulgent spaces

That being said, we’ll also see an increase in purpose-specific rooms for those who can afford it: Home libraries, hobby rooms, music rooms, and home art galleries will pop up as people continue with the post-Covid trend of turning their homes into havens.

These spaces will be deeply personal and sentimental. Homeowners will display pieces with meaning: Art that has personal significance, memorabilia from a special trip, trinkets and photographs that were passed down from previous generations. These rooms will reflect their owner’s tastes, experiences, and pleasures. And with people being able to travel again, we’ll see a return of exotic furniture and ornaments.

The 9 hottest décor trends for 2023 

There you have it! These are the 9 trends that will shape homes in 2023. Now head on to our shop and make sure you stay on trend!